Kelas Inspirasi – Indonesia Mengajar

I am not a teacher, but an awakener. – Robert Frost

Dear, October.

It’s super rainy lately. My favorite Nike shoes are wet and covered with mud. But, you know what, still, you got the best days.

Just last week, I experienced humbling and yet amazing event. I got myself involved in Kelas Inspirasi (Inspiration Class), an Indonesia Mengajar initiated volunteering program. How will I know I would get accepted? And in my first time, I felt nothing but blessed.


The concept of the program is pretty simple, in one day, the volunteers are deployed in groups to appointed elementary school and they will motivate students by sharing stories about their respective professions in front of the class.



To be honest, it’s actually those students who inspired me. To forever be excited. To ever be blessed. To continue striving for excellence in education. The last one is what trigger me the most.



Thank you for the opportunity, Indonesia Mengajar.






All of the pictures are courtesy of talented photographer and entrepreneur, Sonny Satrio. Please visit his wordpress

If any of the readers is interested in volunteering, you may apply to



4 thoughts on “Kelas Inspirasi – Indonesia Mengajar”

    1. Hi Winny, iya ada.

      Kalo ngga salah udah KI ke #5 yang Jakarta bulan Mei lalu.
      Coba pantengin aja twitter atau website mereka tahun depan.

      Yang di luar kota juga asik lho Win.. sekalian liburan; Nusa Penida atau Palu. Hahaaa..


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