I may have been beaten and heartbroken many times this year. But I refuse to give up. I lost my spark but delivered one brighter star next to me as token of hope.

The Almighty wants me to start new. That’s what I’m planning to do. For me and for Ragnar.

Four Seasons Resort and Residence Anguilla

4 November 2021. Setelah perjalanan mengelilingi separo bumi usai, lelah lahir batin ahahaha, akhirnya disambut sama keramahan negara Anguilla. Negara yang sampai 3 bulan lalu belum pernah aku dengar.

Pemandangan dari balkon kamar hotel
To main lobby
Ocean deck dekat Sunset Lounge

Continue reading Four Seasons Resort and Residence Anguilla

Pilihan Kopi Susu Kekinian di Bintaro

Demi apa jadi ketagihan kopi susu “kekinian”? I used to despise this trend and now I’ve become one of the addicted costumers. Aku menyalahkan santai dan selownya kerja di Bintaro dan tinggal di Serpong. Wakakaka. Apa-apa yang ngehits, area ini salah satu yang paling cepet nyediain. Jadi boros di nyoba-nyobain hal-hal “ngga penting” tapi nyenengin.

Sebelum trend ini diganti sama Boba Brown Sugar (yang memang udah mulai), aku mau review dengan nilai ala-ala buat kopi susu-kopi susu paling terkenal di sekitar kantor. Ada yang obviously jauuuhhh lebih enak dari yang lain ada yang ngga enak banget parah (macam Kopi Kulo, sampe ngga aku sebutin di list, karena mengecewakan). Penilaian ini subjektif penulis yaaa.. Continue reading Pilihan Kopi Susu Kekinian di Bintaro

Kado Ulangtahun Cowok

Gift 1

Kadang suka bingung ngga sih mikirin mau ngasih apa ke cowok pas dia ulangtahun? Cowok sebenarnya gampang dikadoin karena barang-barang mereka kan itu-itu aja. Hahaha.. Beberapa hal yang musti kita tau sebelum ngasih kado yang tepat adalah hobi, ukuran baju/sepatu daaan.. budget kita sih. Kalo cinta mati ngga ketulungan, budget kadang ngga penting. LOL.

Oh ya, satu hal lagi. Semakin simple dan kalem warna atau design barangnya semakin bagus. Kecuali kita tau banget dia suka barang-barang berprintil-printilan ribet, atau berwarna-warni gonjreng atau berukir-ukiran rumit. Jadi keep in mind, simplicity to the maximum level tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. Beberapa tempat belanja juga aku sebutkan bukan karena sponsor, tapi memang gampang disamperin. Ntah kenapa masih lebih suka datang ke storenya langsung daripada beli online. Ngga mau ngambil resiko. Hehe.

Take note ya list di bawah ini extra mainstream dan berdasarkan selera penulis, selera fashion dan selera cowok tipikal manly yang ngga aneh-aneh. Kenapa mainstream? Karena gampang didapat dan terbukti pasti kepake. Ya kalo lagi kreatif, bisa juga sih ngado liburan ke Old Trafford. Cuma sayang aja budgetnya. Mending ke Emirates kan lebih megah. Ekekekee..

Continue reading Kado Ulangtahun Cowok

Movies I Can’t Live Without

If there is something I genuinely love to do, the answer is always watching movies. Movies have been affecting my life entirely, the way I see people, the way I face my daily life, even the way I behave.

Beberapa film yang aku bisa tonton ribuan kali tanpa bosan dan yang membentuk diriku seperti sekarang. Sebenernya kalo dilist ngga bakalan muat juga ini post. Notable mentions are The Lord of the Rings, The Blind Side, Easy A, Young Victoria, Shawshank Redemption, The Sixth Sense, V for Vendetta, The Intouchables, Kingdom of Heaven, Pan’s Labyrinth, Children of Heaven, Signs, Amelie and so many others.

Ini lima besarnya. Sampai sejauh ini. (Semoga di masa datang lebih banyak lagi).


Star WarsNgga perlu dipertanyakan lagi kenapa aku suka franchise Star Wars. Kayanya semua yang terbaik dari film science fiction ada di film ini. Dunia luar angkasa yang sangat well-constructed dan detail. Continue reading Movies I Can’t Live Without

The Latest Craze for Crazy Horse Leather


Lovely February, gosh you came so fast this year. In a blink of an eye, January has gone. No worry. There are still plenty of time to enjoy 2017. I really wish all smarty blogwalkers have amazing moments and new experiences ahead of them.

..as a fine wine, the older the better, Crazy Horse leather gets better in time..

As of me, I just realize something real important in my life. Recently, that is like, this very morning, LOL. Guess what, I just realize that I have a crush on leather thingies whole my life. And it’s getting crazier each year. Ahahahaa..

My obsession led me to own leather satchels, bags, wallet, sandals, shoes, boots and other miscellaneous accessories. I can’t stop thinking about them until I had them in my hands. The leather should be specific: raw and vintage, or most people call it Crazy Horse Leather or Saddle Leather.

Continue reading The Latest Craze for Crazy Horse Leather

The Arsenal Football Club

We love you Arsenal, we do,
We love you Arsenal, we do,
We love you Arsenal, we do,
Oh Arsenal we love you!

First of all, I’d like to say I will never, never ever in my life, ever forget about this jersey:


This shirt was Arsenal FC official home kit back in 1996/1997 embroidered with BERGKAMP on its back. It belonged to my uncle which then was given to me when I was 7 years old. The jersey drown me, but guess what, I hardly took it off on the first day I got it. I had no idea why I was in love Continue reading The Arsenal Football Club

Cuisine of the Month: Kuningan City

Ya ampun udah Juli aja. Bersyukur buat semua berkat yang datang di bulan Juni. Ingat masih belum bisa liburan ke luar kota, baiknya cuisine challenge di mall deket rumah aja kali ya, Kuningan City (Kuncit). Kenapa pilih Kuningan City, jelas karena deket tempat tinggal. Tiap hari selalu lewat.

31abde2c54fae076d23daf671ea94cc7_kuningan20city201courtesy: www.weyap.com

Sayang banget nggak sih kalo dekat tapi belum pernah nyobain?

Continue reading Cuisine of the Month: Kuningan City

Game of Thrones: What You Need to Know


Halo semua!

Apa kalian ngikutin serial TV Game of Thrones (GOT) yang tayang sejak 2011? Kalau iya, sekarang kalian tau aku cinta banget sama serial ini. Kita bisa bagi-bagi cerita. Kalau engga, duh. Nonton deh sekarang. Download maksudnya ya, karena Season 6 baru aja selesai kemarin pagi. Pal, you have missed the best television serial of all time (up to now). Hihi..

Winter is coming.

I’m not kidding lho. Presiden Barrack Obama aja sampai minta buat nonton Season 6 duluan sebelum resmi tayang karena ngefans sama serial ini. Dan akun twitter resmi White House once upload this photoshopped image. LOL. Continue reading Game of Thrones: What You Need to Know